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What are the types of base materials for kraft paper tape?

Article provenance:未知 Popularity:Time:2023-04-29 22:48
Kraft paper is a common packaging material typically used for producing Kraft paper tape. Kraft paper has good strength and flexibility, making it suitable for packaging a variety of items. Different types of Kraft paper have distinct characteristics, allowing for the selection of Kraft paper based on the specific needs. Below are some commonly used Kraft paper types for producing Kraft paper tape.
Natural Kraft Paper: The most common Kraft paper type made from natural fibers, typically using trees like pine, spruce, and birch. Natural Kraft paper has good strength and flexibility, making it suitable for producing Kraft paper tape. Additionally, natural Kraft paper can be improved with adhesive coating or other chemical treatments to enhance its surface adhesion and water resistance. Natural Kraft paper is usually yellow or brown.
White Kraft Paper: A high-quality Kraft paper that is typically softer and more flexible than natural Kraft paper. White Kraft paper is white in color, making it ideal for applications that require surface coating such as printing and labeling. It has a smooth surface, good air permeability, and wear resistance. White Kraft paper is usually used for producing high-quality printing Kraft paper tape.
Fiber Kraft Paper: A paper made by mixing cellulose and wood pulp. This Kraft paper is tougher than natural Kraft paper, making it suitable for producing Kraft paper tape that requires higher strength. Fiber Kraft paper is usually gray or brown in color, has a smooth surface, good water resistance, and wear resistance. It can be improved with adhesive coating or other chemical treatments to enhance its surface adhesion and water resistance.
Crepe Kraft Paper: A Kraft paper with a surface that has obvious wrinkles that have undergone special processing to make it rougher and more wear-resistant. This Kraft paper's surface treatment can improve its surface adhesion and water resistance, making it suitable for producing Kraft paper tape that requires higher strength and durability. Crepe Kraft paper is usually yellow or brown.
Film Kraft Paper: A Kraft paper that is coated with a polyethylene film on its surface. The surface of Film Kraft paper has good water resistance and wear resistance and is also highly adhesive, making it ideal for producing Kraft paper tape that requires higher adhesion and durability. Film Kraft paper is usually white or transparent.
Cellulose Kraft Paper: A Kraft paper made from natural cellulose fibers, typically made from natural cellulose fibers such as cotton, flax, and hemp. This Kraft paper has good softness and air permeability and also has excellent wear resistance and water resistance. Cellulose Kraft paper is usually white or light yellow in color.
In summary, different types of Kraft paper can be used for various Kraft paper tape production applications.

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